The Playlist for Dylan and other stuff

Here, at long last, is the link to the Spotify playlist to accompany the reading on page 4 of the ToK Reader. Enjoy.

Dylan playlist

And here are some  friendly reminders about the days to come:

ToK Reader – articles starting on the following pages are due by Nov 13: 4, 9, 11, 15, 53, 55

VSI – have at least 25% of it read

EE – I am giving you 3 hours to work on it – please make smart use of that time. Your drafts are due Nov 19, 20 – No Exceptions.

Fish & Einstein – Together At Last

While you have been testing, I have been grading though I have taken a few breaks. During one of them today, a paragraph caught my attention because it reminded me of a paragraph from yesterday. Spooky action indeed.

James Gleick “What does quantum physics actually tell us about the world?” NYT, May 8, 2017

“The first proof of atoms came from 26-year-old Albert Einstein in 1905, the same year he proposed his theory of special relativity. Before that, the atom served as an increasingly useful hypothetical construct. At the same time, Einstein defined a new entity: a particle of light, the “light quantum,” now called the photon. Until then, everyone considered light to be a kind of wave. It didn’t bother Einstein that no one could observe this new thing. “It is the theory which decides what we can observe,” he said.”


Stanley Fish “ ‘Transparency’ is the mother of fake news” NYT, May 7, 2018

“The insistence on the primacy of narratives and interpretations does not involve a deriding of facts but an alternative story of their emergence. Postmodernism sets itself against the notion of facts just lying there discrete and independent, and waiting to be described. Instead it argues that fact is the achievement of argument and debate, not a pre-existing entity by whose measure argument can be assessed. Arguments come first; when they are successful, facts follow — at least for a while, until a new round of arguments replaces them with a new set of facts.”